Bathory - Odens Ride Over Nordland
Satyricon - Fuel For Hatred
Samael - I love the dead
Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss
Cradle of filth - A Dream Of Wolves In The Snow
Nocturnal Depression - Host
Sinister - Carnificina Scelesta
Primordial - Gods to the Godless
Calvarium Funestus - Opus Domine Satanus
Dark Funeral - Open the gates
Venom - In Nomina Satanas
Gorgoroth - Open the Gates
Cradle of filth - Darkness Our Bride
King Diamond - Two little girls
Common Grave - Il Male Di Vivere
Paradise Lost - Gothic
Cannibal Corpse - Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains
Epitmia - The Moment Of The Last Spring
Marduk - Baptism by Fire
My Dying Bride - The Bitterness And The Bereavement
Masacre - Blasfemias
Stos - Epitafium Dla Iwony
Massacra - Full of hatred
Sammath - Ravager
Napalm Death - Caught... In A Dream
Amarok - Otchlan nieskonczonej nienawisci
Masacre - Cancer
Nargaroth - I burn for you
Death - Leprosy
Lord Belial - Lamia
Blasphemy - Blasphemy
Sinister - Perennial Mourning
Witchmaster - Morbid Death
Stos - Stos
Cannibal Corpse - Butchered At Birth
Venom - In league with satan
Mayhem - Pure Fuckin' Armageddon
Slayer - Raining Blood
Morbid Angel - Chapel Of Ghouls
Satyricon - Mother North
Obituary - Slowly We Rot
Beherit - Black Mass Prayer
Beherit - Grave Desecration
King Diamond - Insanity
Burzum - Key to the gate
Bolt Thrower - What Dwells Within
Cradle of filth - The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh
Grave - Into The Grave
Dark Throne - Transylvanian hunger
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are The Sick
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Paradise Lost - Silent
Sepultura - Arise
Slayer - Necrophobic
Suffocation - Habitual Infamy
Cenotaph - The Pray
Baphomet - Streaks Of Blood
Burzum - Dunkelheit
Obituary - The End Complete
Samael - Blood Ritual
Blasphemy - Ritual
Satyricon - The Forest Is My Throne
Dark Throne - A blaze in the northern sky
Massemord - Smierc Ludzkości
Mayhem - Funeral Fog
Behemoth - From The Pagan Vastlands
Cenotaph - The Birth Of A New God
Dark Funeral - Satan's mayhem
Dark Funeral - Secret of the black arts
Dismal Euphony - Isgrav,Det Siste Hvilesred
Furia - Krew W Kolorze Bursztynu
Abyssic Hate - Betrayed
Dark Funeral - Hail Murder
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg
Nargaroth - Far beyond the stars
The Omen - Ave Satani
Ragnarok - In Nomine Satanas
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Cirith Gorgor - Firestorm apocalypse
Mayhem - The Freezing Moon
Iperyt - Particular Hatred
Ondskapt - The Fires Of Hell
Iperyt - Totalitarian Love Pulse
Inhuman Hate - Fog Of Death
Mayhem - Anti
Nocturnal Depression - IIAnthem to Self - Destruction
Obituary - Contrast the Dead
Ocultan - Infernal command
Thunderbolt - Spadnie Smiertelny Cios...
Cultes Des Ghoues - Scholomance
Furia - Ohydny jestem
Horna - Merkuriana
Azarath - Sacrifice of Blood
Beherit - Demon Advance
Satyricon - Fuel For Hatred
Samael - I love the dead
Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss
Cradle of filth - A Dream Of Wolves In The Snow
Nocturnal Depression - Host
Sinister - Carnificina Scelesta
Primordial - Gods to the Godless
Calvarium Funestus - Opus Domine Satanus
Dark Funeral - Open the gates
Venom - In Nomina Satanas
Gorgoroth - Open the Gates
Cradle of filth - Darkness Our Bride
King Diamond - Two little girls
Common Grave - Il Male Di Vivere
Paradise Lost - Gothic
Cannibal Corpse - Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains
Epitmia - The Moment Of The Last Spring
Marduk - Baptism by Fire
My Dying Bride - The Bitterness And The Bereavement
Masacre - Blasfemias
Stos - Epitafium Dla Iwony
Massacra - Full of hatred
Sammath - Ravager
Napalm Death - Caught... In A Dream
Amarok - Otchlan nieskonczonej nienawisci
Masacre - Cancer
Nargaroth - I burn for you
Death - Leprosy
Lord Belial - Lamia
Blasphemy - Blasphemy
Sinister - Perennial Mourning
Witchmaster - Morbid Death
Stos - Stos
Cannibal Corpse - Butchered At Birth
Venom - In league with satan
Mayhem - Pure Fuckin' Armageddon
Slayer - Raining Blood
Morbid Angel - Chapel Of Ghouls
Satyricon - Mother North
Obituary - Slowly We Rot
Beherit - Black Mass Prayer
Beherit - Grave Desecration
King Diamond - Insanity
Burzum - Key to the gate
Bolt Thrower - What Dwells Within
Cradle of filth - The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh
Grave - Into The Grave
Dark Throne - Transylvanian hunger
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are The Sick
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Paradise Lost - Silent
Sepultura - Arise
Slayer - Necrophobic
Suffocation - Habitual Infamy
Cenotaph - The Pray
Baphomet - Streaks Of Blood
Burzum - Dunkelheit
Obituary - The End Complete
Samael - Blood Ritual
Blasphemy - Ritual
Satyricon - The Forest Is My Throne
Dark Throne - A blaze in the northern sky
Massemord - Smierc Ludzkości
Mayhem - Funeral Fog
Behemoth - From The Pagan Vastlands
Cenotaph - The Birth Of A New God
Dark Funeral - Satan's mayhem
Dark Funeral - Secret of the black arts
Dismal Euphony - Isgrav,Det Siste Hvilesred
Furia - Krew W Kolorze Bursztynu
Abyssic Hate - Betrayed
Dark Funeral - Hail Murder
Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg
Nargaroth - Far beyond the stars
The Omen - Ave Satani
Ragnarok - In Nomine Satanas
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Cirith Gorgor - Firestorm apocalypse
Mayhem - The Freezing Moon
Iperyt - Particular Hatred
Ondskapt - The Fires Of Hell
Iperyt - Totalitarian Love Pulse
Inhuman Hate - Fog Of Death
Mayhem - Anti
Nocturnal Depression - IIAnthem to Self - Destruction
Obituary - Contrast the Dead
Ocultan - Infernal command
Thunderbolt - Spadnie Smiertelny Cios...
Cultes Des Ghoues - Scholomance
Furia - Ohydny jestem
Horna - Merkuriana
Azarath - Sacrifice of Blood
Beherit - Demon Advance
Beherit - Pimeyden Henki
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